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16 October 2012


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Andy Goodliff

David, thanks for this. I wonder though whether it is more heroes we need or saints ... Sam Wells in his book Improvisation: The Drama of Christian Ethics argues that in a world of heroes, we are called to be saints, which may be a better description of what you mean by hero ... see my (old) post from my (old) blog here:

David Kerrigan

Good link to your blog Andy. Food for thought, certainly. However, I wonder if the hero as you describe is a reality or a myth. I want to distinguish between plastic heroes and real ones.

The plastic hero is the Bruce Willis, Uma Thurman, Daniel Craig variety who don’t exist in real life. When you write "the hero has to be the hero, that is, he has to save the day. The hero gives salvation. Because the hero believes the story revolves around them, they think everyone needs the hero to save them. They give, everyone else receives" – that's a hollywood-esque variety of hero that doesn’t exist in real life.

The real heroes are ordinary people. In fact I think being ordinary is a prerequisite for being a hero. Heroism is the ordinary undertaking the extraordinary. So for me, its people like Henry V Langford and Malala Yousafzai, Rosa Parks and Maximillian Kolbe. Heroes, and saints too!

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