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02 May 2014


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Thank you, David, as ever wisdom, grace and gentleness. (And a healthy dose of Baptistness to boot!)

Mark Jennings

Many thanks David, I am grateful for your gracious and duscerning response. I concur and especially lament the propsensity to draw boundaries which this sadly illustrates.Jesus, be the center ...

Mark Jennings

Forgive my spelling!

Julie Aylward

Thank you David for your gentle words of wisdom expressing what many are feeling.

Josiah Anyinsah

Thanks David

Andrew Kleissner

Absolutely right, especially your emphasis on the DofP instead of a detailed Credal statement.


like like like

and I love our D o P

and learning more about it when I studied "Baptist Identity" module at SBC made me love it even more for what it says about the one I love so much


Yes, but what David fails to mention is that to be an accredited Baptist minister one has to sign up to the doctrine that the only valid form of physical human relationship is heterosexual.

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